Friday, September 2, 2016

Why Is My Vacuum Making A Funny Noise?

There could be several different reasons your vacuum is making a funny noise. Depending on the sound, it could be one of the following issues:

Whistle Noise -
This issue could be as simple as something trapped in the hose, perhaps a small peice of cardboard or a pretzel . If nothing is trapped, it could indicate an air leak, such as a torn seal.

Revving Noise -
Often the bin is full and simply needs to be emptied.

Clicking Noise -
This may indicate something caught in your brushbar, such as a small toy, but it may also indicate a clutch or brushbar issue, depending on the model.

Popping Noise -

If your vacuum is also producing a burning smell, this could be a potential motor failure. Please call Shelby Vacuum if you have this concern, and we can better help you diagnose the issue.

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