Thursday, September 15, 2016

Why do I keep breaking belts??

The most common cause of vacuum belt breakage is jamming the brush roll. It is possible to jam the brush roll with just about any large item lying on the carpet so it is important to keep the floor free and clear while vacuuming to avoid breaking a belt. Another cause is build up of hair or string in the brush roll bearings. This causes resistance on the belt and can cause it to wear out faster than normal. When replacing the belt, always make sure to spin the brush roll to make sure it is turning freely before you turn it on. Vacuums that use traditional rubber belts will need a replacement about every 6 to 12 months depending on the frequency of use. Not replacing them will result in decreased cleaning performance. Getting a vacuum with a LIFETIME belt with a hall sensor will make sure that your vacuum will clean great every time you use it!

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