Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Are vinyl replacement windows really the best choice?

There are a few different materials that can comprise replacement windows, and they all have their own unique set of benefits and disadvantages. Today, one of the most popular of these are vinyl windows. Vinyl is an excellent material for insulating and protecting your home, since it is both durable and inexpensive. Not only that, it is one of the best types of materials for preventing heat loss.

Most people are aware of the benefits of having vinyl siding, and many of these advantages translate to windows as well. Vinyl already comes finished and ready to be installed, eliminating the need for painting, maintenance and treatment. It can last for years, and it holds up better than most materials against the onslaught of hail, snow, sleet and rain. Nevertheless, severe hailstorms can still rip through the outer layer, leaving your vinyl pockmarked and ineffective at preventing heat loss.

One of the biggest reasons to choose vinyl for your replacement windows is the fact that they are the obvious choice for promoting energy efficiency. According to Fran J. Donegan of This Old House, vinyl windows are so energy efficient because of their unique design, which includes small chambers to prevent air from getting through. Like a winter coat, the chambers hold pockets of air, which prevent the outside air from getting through.

Vinyl is also among the most affordable material options, when it comes to both siding and replacement windows. When combined with the money you will save on maintenance, painting and other expenses that go along with wooden replacement windows, vinyl can account for massive savings over the course of a decade. Not only does this lack of maintenance save you money, it also makes them the more convenient choice. Wooden window frames need to be repainted. On top of that, they do not last as long, as they are susceptible to rotting and water damage.

Of course, as with any other addition to your home, aesthetics can play a large role. There are some that prefer wooden frames for this very reason. Nevertheless, from the outside, it is nearly impossible to tell the difference between wooden window frames and vinyl ones. Most vinyl frames are molded to look identical to wooden frames from the outside, with many including artificial wood grain. In short, vinyl replacement windows are the more practical option for most homeowners, with very few disadvantages to speak of.

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