Friday, September 30, 2016

How to Avoid Breaking a Vacuum Belt

Unless you keep an auxiliary vacuum belt always on hand, having a vacuum cleaner belt break in the middle of vacuuming can become a very frustrating experience. This is particularly true if you are expecting company and have a big mess to clean up. To assist you in preventing breakage of your vacuum belt and in understanding how to prevent this problem, follow these 5 simple steps. Step 1 – Know Which Type of Belt Your Vacuum Uses There are many different models of vacuums and many types of belts. Each belt, although the function is the same with each, is meant to work only with a specific vacuum type or model. This is important information because if you purchase and install the wrong type of vacuum belt, this will only lead to another broken belt. Worse yet, it can damage your vacuum. To understand which type of belt your vacuum uses, look for the belt number on the machine itself or on the actual belt. If in doubt, look to your instruction manual for this information. Step 2 – Make Sure You Install the Belt Properly On most vacuum cleaners you install the belt by placing it over the motor spindle and then the brush roller. If you fail to install the belt correctly it could result in another belt breakage as well as damaging the vacuum. Be sure when installing the belt that you adjust it for the proper tension, You may find it tricky to secure the brush roller in place because of this tension. You should realize that the tension is necessary to allow the brush roller to spin as it should. Step 3 – Avoid Overheating the Belt When vacuuming, be on the lookout for objects that might cause a problem if they become lodged or caught in the vacuum. Often, a belt breaks because the machine is runs over the edge of a rug or other thick items, perhaps even the vacuum cord. This causes “snagging.” When this happens, the belt becomes stuck and usually overheats. Unfortunately, this results in immediate breakage. If your vacuum is not a gear-driven belt system with electronic overload, this is more likely to occur. If and when you are in the market to purchase a new vacuum, it you should consider purchasing a vacuum with this type of system.
Step 4 – Change Your Belt Often You should change your vacuum belt about every 6 months. Over an extended period of time the belt usually becomes more and more elastic and loose fitting around the brush roller. This prevents the brush roller from operating at its maximum efficiency. Keep extra belts on hand and this will eliminate frustration of belt breakage. Step 5 – Purchase and Use a Cog-Belt Vacuum If and when you are in the market for a new vacuum, the type of system that will less likely break belts is a “cog-belt” system. This system is best because the machine automatically turns off when the brush roller becomes snagged.

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