Thursday, August 18, 2016

Tips for making your vacuum work better

A clean vacuum is an efficient vacuum. Clean the brush-roll of hair and fibers once in a while, and check the hoses and other air pathways for blockage.

If you have a HEPA filter, ACES recommends replacing it every six to 12 months or when it gets noticeably dirty. If you have a non-HEPA filter, you might be able to rinse it, dry and reinstall it several times before it needs replacing. Check with the manufacturer for instructions.

To maintain good airflow, empty the canister or change or empty the bag when it’s no more than half full.

Bagless models cost less to maintain because you don't have to keep buying new bags, but you’ll have to be careful you don’t send dust everywhere when you empty the canister. Here are some tips on how to empty the canister from the Lead Group and the EPA:

Cover up with old clothes and don a dust mask.
Grab an empty trash bag and the vacuum and head outside.
Carefully remove the canister from its housing.
Place the trash bag completely over the canister.
Slowly turn the canister upside down to empty it.
After the dust settles, remove the canister from the bag.
Tie the bag closed, allowing air to escape so it won't explode.
Follow these tips, and when you vacuum your house you’ll actually be cleaning it instead of spreading the dirt and dust around.

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