Monday, August 22, 2016

3 Simple Fixes That Can Make Your Old Vacuum New Again

Is your vacuum failing to live up to your standards? Perhaps your vacuum just isn’t picking up like it used to, leaving behind pet hair, fuzz, or other debris. Is there a strange smell coming from your vacuum? Or maybe your vacuum has lost some suction and just isn’t the same as it used to be. Rest assured; you are not alone, and you do not have to live this way! So many people experience one or both of these common issues with their vacuum and immediately draw the conclusion that they need a new vacuum. But we have good news! Crucial Vacuum is stocked with the things you need to get you’re your vacuum up and running like new again. So, before you toss your trusty old vacuum aside on your way to replace it, try these quick and simple fixes that may have your vacuum back to it’s old self in no time.

Vacuum Not Picking Up Like it Used to?

If your vacuum isn’t picking up like it used to check to see if the brush bar roller is turning. If it’s not, the solution could be as simple as removing wads of tangled hair or carpet string from the area. If that isn’t the problem a quick replacement of the belt could also do the trick.

Loss of Suction?

If you are experiencing loss of suction, check first to make sure that the bag is not full. So many people forget to change the bag and wonder why their sweeper won’t suck anything else up. If your bag isn’t full try checking to make sure the hose is clear. If the bag isn’t full and the hose is clear you should check the filters.

Strange Smells?

If you notice a strange or bad smell coming from your vacuum cleaner, there are a couple of easy fixes that may help. If it smells like rubber, you may have snapped the vacuum cleaner’s belt. But if it just plain stinks, chances are you need to change your filter. Filters can be found on both bagged and bagless vacuums. Vacuums with filters are great for trapping dust and other allergens in the home and make for cleaner air, which equals less tissues and sneezing. But these filters can become clogged and full over time making them less efficient. As a general rule, filters last considerably longer than bags. Therefore you won’t have to change them as often as you change your bag. But you should pay close attention to the filter to be sure it doesn’t need changed and isn’t clogged so that it can do its job.

So before you toss your vacuum, try these simple quick fixes first. With a little attention and routine maintenance there is probably still plenty of life left in your vacuum.

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