Thursday, August 11, 2016

4 Reasons to Replace Your Vinyl Siding Before Winter

You may not think about your vinyl siding often, but it is still an important part of your home. Beyond setting the visual tone of your home’s exterior, your siding is it’s first line of defense against the elements. New, quality siding can add to your home’s value and save you money, while older siding may be costing you.

A few signs that it may be time to replace your siding include:

*Peeling paint
*Soft spots
*Loose Sections

Here at H&M Industries, we’re experienced in siding replacement, and we know that fall is an excellent time to replace your siding. The winter provides challenges that don’t exist during the fall. Additionally, replacing your vinyl siding during the fall means more savings.

Reducing Heating Costs During Winter Months
Insulating your home is important. In the winter months, old or damaged siding will fail to insulate as well as new siding. While the savings in your energy bill won’t cover the cost of re-siding your house in the first year, it will save you money in the long run. Plus, new vinyl siding adds value to your home and increases curb appeal.

There are Fewer Interruptions During the Fall
The Holiday season is just around the corner, and that generally means more traffic to your house – friends and family coming and going, children running around, etc. Juggling holiday distractions can be a full time job in and of itself. During the fall though, the pace slows down, children are at school, and there tend to be less distractions to impede completion of a home improvement project.

Siding materials are conducive to fall temperatures
The winter is harsh, and vinyl siding materials are more brittle in the cold. Not only does that mean more difficult installation, but it may also lead to higher installation costs. With sections more likely to crack during the winter, you may need to buy more material to finish the project. The fall, however, brings milder temperatures conducive to vinyl installation. This will save you time and money.

Workers Can Work Longer
Outdoor work can be grueling in the wintertime. Even if you won’t be replacing the siding yourself, this will affect you. Contractors have to work in the weather, whatever it may be. In the summer, they’re going to have to take more time, stopping to cool down and rehydrate far more often. In the winter, they’re freezing. They’ll need to stop, and warm themselves up. Especially as they need their fingers for dexterity in installation. The fall provides a happy medium, giving the workers the best conditions for the completion of your project.

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