Friday, July 1, 2016

Tough question. New windows are tempting because they offer so much—smoother operation, lower maintenance, energy savings, fewer drafts and easier cleaning. But they’re expensive, and pros charge almost as much as the cost of the windows to install them, which is a major investment.

Ask yourself the following two questions to evaluate your old windows and weigh the benefits of new ones.

1. Are your old windows a hassle?
Are you sick and tired of nursing your windows along, or are you OK with the minor maintenance jobs that go along with them? Consider:
**Ease of operation- Do they lift, swing or slide easily, or do you hesitate to open them when you want ventilation?
**Scraping and painting- Painted windows require regular maintenance. Otherwise they’ll rot and fall apart. New windows with aluminum or vinyl cladding or that are made from vinyl or a composite eliminate this chore.
**Condensation- Does condensation regularly collect on the glass, cloud the view and soak the window trim? Higher-efficiency glass in new windows will help reduce this problem.
**Storm windows- Do you mind cleaning, maintaining and putting up and taking down storm windows? Do your storms need replacement?
**Cleaning- Is this so difficult that you avoid doing it? Many new windows are designed to make cleaning a snap.
2. Are your old windows comfortable?
Single-pane windows often leave rooms feeling chilly and dry in cold weather and overheated in warm, sunny weather. Windows with double-pane glass can greatly improve the comfort of your home. They can block much of the heat of direct sunlight but still allow the light to come through (less need for shades). They’ll reduce cold drafts and the chill of cold glass. And they’ll reduce condensation so you can keep the indoor humidity at a higher, more comfortable level in cold weather. New energy-efficient windows will also save on your fuel bills but rarely enough to justify the investment if your old windows are still in good shape.

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