Thursday, July 7, 2016

Do You Know the History of Double Hung Windows?

Windows In the Beginning...

Windows literally started out as holes in the walls. This would old double hung window certainly allow light and air in but also the elements and pests. In the coming years, the holes would be covered with animal hide, cloth or wood. Shutters that could open and close came next. They offered more control over the elements as well as privacy. Throughout the coming years, windows evolved that allowed the transmission of light as well as protect the interior of the home from the elements. In the earlier stages, windows were created from smaller panes of glass or other translucent materials such as paper.

The Double Hung Window Evolution:
The double hung window was the traditional window of the United Kingdom. This style of windows was brought from the United Kingdom to this country during the period of colonization. The double hung window consists of two sashes (parts) that overlap in the middle and each part can move up or down. Traditionally the windows were operated with a series of counterweights held in boxes on either side of the window. As well, double hung windows were often fitted with shutters. Currently, most double hung windows use spring balances to support the operation of the sashes.

Double Hung Windows Today

Today the double hung window is the most popular window on the market. The glass and materials have made tremendous advancements over the years. You can choose from a variety of materials to the construction of your windows: vinyl, wood, fiberglass or aluminum. As well, you can select from options in glass, grids, leading and screening. Another nice bonus is the option to have your windows tilt in for the ease of cleaning all year round. Definitely, the double hung window has stood the test of time and it easy to see why.

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