Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Importance of Vacuuming

Vacuuming is one of the best ways for you to take care of carpet and get the most out of your investment in carpet. This is something we preach a lot at Shelby Vacuum because vacuuming is also one of the easiest ways to take proper care of carpet.

Vacuuming carpet is very similar to changing the oil in a car in that it is an integral part of regular maintenance and keeping it in tip-top shape.
Regular vacuuming removes soil and dirt that can damage the carpet fiber and therefore reduce the useful life of the carpet. Maximizing the life of carpet also maximizes its sustainability. Consistently vacuuming and fulfilling the intended life of your carpet means not having to replace it and is the best way to keep the carpet “green.”
Vacuuming frequency is another vital aspect to remember in terms of carpet care as certain areas of carpet should be vacuumed more frequently than others. CRI recommends vacuuming daily in high-traffic or pet areas, twice weekly in medium-traffic areas, and weekly in light-traffic areas
Lastly, the vacuum you use is important, too. CRI certifies vacuums through the Seal of Approval program, which tests vacuums on the criteria of soil removal, dust containment and surface appearance change.
By following these vacuuming tips, you will not only be keeping you carpet clean, but also keeping it beautiful and long lasting.

Vacuum on!

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