Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Did You Know There is a PROPER Way to Vacuum?

Most people have just enough time to run the vacuum over their traffic areas before company arrives. But did you know that there is a proper way to vacuum and that it will also affect the lifespan of your carpet?

Proper vacuuming is the easiest and most effective way to keep your carpet clean. Regular vacuuming can also have the largest impact on the air you breathe.

To get the most out of your vacuuming regime, remember these few easy tips:

*A quick once-over doesn’t do much. Slow and steady does the trick.
When vacuuming, don’t ignore those corners and crevices where dust builds.
*“Top-down” cleaning saves you the step of vacuuming again after dusting. Dust blinds, windowsills, and furniture surfaces first and then vacuum away any fallen dust.
*Remember to replace or empty vacuum bags when they are half to two-thirds full.

How Often Should You Vacuum?

As a rule of thumb, you should vacuum at least once a week with a quality vacuum cleaner. However, the more foot traffic over your carpet, the more you need to vacuum. The general formula is:

*Vacuum daily in high-traffic or pet areas.
*Vacuum twice weekly in medium-traffic areas.
*Vacuum weekly in light-traffic areas, using attachments at carpet edges.

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