Friday, July 29, 2016

How Central Vacuum Systems Work

Cleaning the house may not be your idea of a fun activity. But while vacuuming may never be fun, there is a way to make the job a little easier.

Most of us vacuum with the standard moveable unit, but have you ever thought of installing a central vacuum system in your home? Central vacuum systems are becoming more common. According to, a central vacuum system can cost less than a high-end moveable vacuum and can add around $2,000 to your home's resale value.

The best thing about central vacuum systems is that they don't require you to carry a heavy unit from room to room or up and down the stairs. Central vacuum systems are designed to remove all the dirt and debris from your house and send it through tubing located in the walls to a receptacle in an out-of-the-way location like a garage or basement. With central vacuums, you only carry a lightweight hose and power brush unit around the house. The power unit is permanent and out of the way.

With a central vacuum system, you place inlets around your home at convenient locations. Instead of plugging a portable vacuum into pre-determined electrical outlets and hoping the cord reaches around your home, you can move the central vacuum hose from inlet to inlet. Where you put the inlets is up to you. You can even install an automatic dustpan that lets you quickly sweep debris into a wall vent using a regular broom.

As central vacuum systems have become more popular, options have become more plentiful, with a wide variety of manufacturers and models on the market. There are two main product decisions you will make in the purchase of your central vacuum system: the power unit and the power brush.

As the technology of portable vacuums has evolved, they have in turn become more expensive. As the difference in price between central vacuum systems and portable vacuums has lessened, central vacuum systems have become a more practical and cost-effective solution to cleaning your home. There are several benefits to central vacuum systems:

Healthier Air - Central vacuum systems eliminate the re-circulation of dirty air inside your living area because the dust and debris is carried through the walls to an out-of-the-way receptacle.
Power - Central vacuums have three to five times more power than traditional vacuums. Because the power unit is not meant to be portable, it can contain a more powerful motor than traditional vacuums.
--Convenience - Central vacuums eliminate the need to carry a heavy unit from room to room or up and down the stairs. There are no cords to trip over, and your power brush can be inserted right into the wall inlet locations that you choose, instead of into pre-determined electrical outlets.
--Home Value - Investing in any permanent appliance in your home should help increase the value when you decide to sell. Central vacuums can be installed in existing homes or in homes that are under construction.
--Noise - Generally, central vacuum systems are quieter than traditional vacuums. Remember that the power unit is located elsewhere (garage, basement, etc.), so the noise will probably be insulated.
--Versatility - Central vacuums offer the same range of attachments and accessories that portable vacuums offer.
--Cost - Central vacuum dealers claim that central vacuums save you money by prolonging the life of your carpeting, drapes and furniture through deeper cleaning.

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