Monday, June 13, 2016

Why Is Maintaining Your Home's Exterior so Important?
Keeping your home’s exterior maintained can take a lot of effort. Cleaning, painting, and more can take many a weekend you would rather spending, biking, golfing, or just sitting in front of the TV. But maintaining your home’s exterior is important for many reasons.
1. Protection: Your home’s exterior is its protection from the elements. If it isn’t maintained properly, it may not do its job, leading to water leaks that can cause significant damage to your home.
2. Insulation: Even if water isn’t getting in through tiny chinks and cracks in your home’s exterior, you can bet air is. As the exterior of your home gets damaged, it can begin leaking your precious heating and cooling dollars, significantly increasing your energy costs.
3. Value: Even if you’re not thinking of selling your home any time soon, it’s important to keep your home looking great. If you decide to refinance your home or get a loan for other reasons, the value and terms of your loan will depend on the value of your home, which an assessor will gauge partly on the appearance of your home.
How do you feel when you walk up to your front door? Do you feel proud of the home you have made, or do you feel ashamed? The attractiveness of your home can have a direct impact on your quality of life.
For all these reasons, maintaining the exterior of your home is important. But your time is important, too. Maybe it’s time to replace the exterior of your home with a more durable, maintenance-free type of siding so you can enjoy your free time as well as all the benefits of a well-maintained exterior.
Call H&M today and we'll put you on the right road to updating your home!! 704-434-9900

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