Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to Maintain a Vacuum Cleaner

Your vacuum cleaner doesn't need very much attention, but a little simple maintenance will keep it working and cleaning as efficiently as it can. Maintaining your vacuum cleaner properly can also head off more costly repairs or replacement.

1. Unplug your vacuum cleaner before performing any maintenance on it. (common sense)
2. Check the bag regularly and replace it when it is full. A vacuum cleaner bag that is only 1/3 full may be too full to clean efficiently. Remember that the air must pass through all the collected dust and debris, so a full vacuum cleaner bag means that the machine must work harder, or that it will not clean as well, or both. Look for a line on the bag and feel with your hand to determine about how full it is.
3. Replace any vacuum bag that is 2/3 full. Read the directions on the vacuum cleaner, the bag, or in the manual. Regardless of the procedure, make sure that the bag is on all the way and secure, and that any clips or holders are in place.
4. Empty the bin or tray on bagless models frequently.
5. Clean the brush roll. Also called a beater bar, this is the spinning brush underneath that brushes dirt out of the carpets.
6. Clean and lubricate the bearings on the brush roll.
7. Check the belt for signs of wear, and replace it if it is worn.
8. Remove any large accumulations of debris from the air passages and the brush roll housing.
9. Replace the brush roll.
10. Replace or clean any filters on the vacuum cleaner. Many newer model vacuums have filters on the exhaust air to catch particles that remain in it. Read your manual to find out if yours has these, and clean or replace them periodically if it does.
11. Check the hoses for clogs and obstructions. It doesn't happen very often.

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