Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Knowing which kind of replacement windows are right for your home can seem like an overwhelming decision to make. With all the available options on the market today, consumers are often left to do the research on the benefits of each type of window on their own.
--That is why today we’re going to look at the Pros and Cons of installing vinyl windows. By the end of this post, you should have a clear idea of whether the Pros outweigh the Cons for your home, style, and budget.
-Pro #1 – Vinyl windows never require any painting or staining on the inside or the outside of the home, reducing the amount of maintenance needed. The color of vinyl chosen is the same on the inside and out, which is great for those who know they won’t want to change the color of their window frames any time soon.
-Con #1 – When exposed to heat levels that are atypical of reaching regular household windows, such as close contact with fire, vinyl melts and warps. This isn’t a problem for most people, as it’s not very common (or safe) to have any kind of fire near windows.
-Pro #2 – Options available in vinyl windows are more plentiful than with aluminum or wood windows. Single hung, double hung, casements, and awning style windows are all available options for vinyl window shoppers.
-Con #2 – Vinyl windows have thicker frames and sashes than wood or aluminum windows. This means the borders around the glass are a bit wider, which does reduce the overall amount of visible glass just slightly.
-Pro #3 – The thicker frames mentioned above help improve energy efficiency by providing additional insulation to the seams, reducing the amount of air leaked through the window. This energy savings has been proven to reduce energy bills by up to 15% according to the EPA.
-Con #3 – Vinyl windows are not readily disguisable as aluminum or wood, so if restoring an older home and maintaining its authenticity is a priority, vinyl windows may not be right for you.
--Overall, vinyl windows are a great choice, and one of the most popular options available today. Their energy efficiency, durability, weather resistance, and low maintenance requirement make them the ideal candidate for the vast majority of homeowners who are looking for replacement windows. There are a few people who may not want the solid color look that vinyl provides, but for most people, it is a welcome addition!!!

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