Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How To Check If Your House Windows Are Bad
You can tell if the windows in your home need to be replaced by making a few observations and doing some tests. Sometimes when windows are worn out they don’t perform as they once did, and this can increase your utility bills. Windows that need replacing will show some wear and tear. Does this Spark an idea?

• - If you are sitting by windows and it seems to be colder there than in the rest of the house, you probably need new windows. The area encasing the windows is wearing out and is unable to keep the cold air out. Sometimes windows in this condition are beyond repair and it is best to replace them before the condition gets worse. Addressing the problem early will help avoid having to replace windows in the cold of winter.
• - Take a look at your windows inside and out. Look at any wood. If your windows appear to be wearing out because of rot and decay, you should replace them. No amount of caulking will solve this problem. Eventually, your windows will begin to crumble and fall apart.
• - If your windows often get stuck or jammed, you may want to consider replacing them. The change in temperatures year after year can cause the wood to expand and contract and eventually the windows lose their original shape. If your windows can no longer go up and down smoothly, they have probably expanded beyond their original size. Air and water will now be able to seep through the window by way of the sill. The effectiveness of your windows depends on them fitting neatly and smoothly into the tracks that enable them to go up and down.
• - Moisture seeping through the windows can lead to mold, which is hazardous. If the windows cannot be repaired to keep out moisture, they should be replaced

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